Carbon Count Launches the World’s First Commercially Available Online Soil Carbon Project Management Software to enable the Restoration of Landscape, Climate and Community.

August 11, 2021

Melbourne, VIC: Carbon Count Pty Ltd. is excited to launch its online end–to–end soil carbon project management software that maximises the value of derived carbon for agricultural consultancies, project managers and carbon trading companies in Australia. 

The Carbon Count Platform is a complete intelligent solution designed to simplify, streamline and fast-track soil carbon projects, making them cheaper to implement for the carbon trader. Offering regulatory compliant sampling design and measurement of soil carbon and farm emissions, Carbon Count is geared towards maximising the value of carbon credits tradable on carbon trading markets. 

With the Clean Energy Regulator’s (CER) legislative framework for the Emissions Reduction Fund (ERF) already integrated into the platform, licensees are able to more easily pass audits, meet regulatory requirements and produce all reporting necessary to register and manage soil carbon projects and trade derived carbon credits in Australia.

At the heart of the new AgTech software is its patented Fast Adaptive Algorithm for Soil Testing (FAAST) that delivers the world's first commercially available Fast Sampling methodology to easily measure and certify the value of carbon in a project area. The algorithm generates the optimal number of sample locations required to maximise a project’s return on investment. 

The algorithm operates within a proprietary software that undertakes all necessary carbon estimate calculations, manages farm carbon emission baseline derivation and calculates annual farm carbon emissions. This means carbon farming advisors are no longer required to perform the complex mathematical equations and laborious paperwork necessary for certifying soil carbon.

What users receive at the end of a soil carbon project is the net carbon abatement, approved by the regulator and tradable on the market.To further maximise profits, Carbon Count also supports carbon farmers in developing effective carbon sequestration land management practices. The platform is able to produce a myriad of insightful farm maps and soil fertility measures, including fertility maps and pH maps.

Managing a soil carbon project with Carbon Count has the potential to accelerate the Australian market’s adoption of the ERF considerably, empowering agricultural consultants, project managers and carbon traders to speed up their workflows and enable agricultural communities everywhere to benefit from the new income stream the Australian soil carbon trading market has to offer.


Cora Poniwerski
Marketing & Communications
Phone: + 61 419747371